Feature & Follow #2 : Meeting Fellow Bloggers Blog Hop

Feature & Follow is a weekly blog hop hosted by Prajunkee and Alison Can Read, to help promote author's and blogger's. There is a weekly prompt to follow each week and you can find more info out here.

This Week's Prompt:
What book do you reread the most?

As a over the top Harry Potter geek I would have to go with that series! I reread it almost every year! I am so happy about Goodreads new reread feature so I can keep track of it now! A couple other series I reread more often than others are The Maze Runner by James Dashner, and The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare.

Way's to follow: I prefer through Bloglovin or GFC which can be found on the side bar or can aswell through Twitter which can be found above on social icons :)

-Amanda Margaret


  1. Ohh great answer unfortunately I don't have time too re-read any of my favorite books, because there are so many new books out there I want to read instead plus I have little time to re-read any books. New Follower on Bloglovin, GFC and Twitter. Here is my #FFF for this week.


    1. Yea I can understand that! It does take away from all the wonderful new reads which always seem to be coming out! Could be why I am way behind, lol. Thanks for stopping by and following!

  2. I imagine Harry Potter is a popular one. I wish I had more time for rereads, but new books keep on coming.

  3. I just love reliving the magic! I wish I could read it for the first time again. Nothing compares to that feeling! Thanks for stopping by!!!

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