Stacking the Shelves #2- January 14th, 2017

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly reading meme where you share all the new books you have either bought, borrowed, or received as gifts! This meme is hosted by Tynga Reviews, click here for more info!

What's new to the shelves this week!?

I actually haven't bought any new books this week sadly, and didn't have time to go to the Library :( So I only have two books to share this week and they are borrowed ones from a friend. They are the last two in a series, and I was actually gonna buy them but I have the first 3 in the series and paperback and the last two are only in hardback right now. I will buy them both once they are released in paperback. I don't know if I am alone on this but I can get a little ocd over my books in a series all having to be either paperback or hardback, not a mixture. That annoys me, haha. Anyway here they are!

Borrowed from a friend!

I am beyond excited for these books! I am actually starting Winter here when I go to bed. I just finished the third book in The Lunar Chronicles, Cress earlier. I am quite addicted to this series right now and it's awesome character's!

Have you read any of these? If so what did you think?

What new books have you bought, borrowed, or been gifted lately?

Comment below! & If you have your own #StackingtheShelves post link it up below!

Amanda Margaret


  1. I need to read this series I have heard nothing but great things about it. Happy Reading.

    My STS-


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