Stacking the Shelves #1- January 7th, 2017

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly reading meme where you share all the new books you have either bought, borrowed, or received as gifts! This meme is hosted by Tynga Reviews, click here for more info!

What's new to the shelves this week!?

So this is my first Stacking the Shelves post on here. I knew I wanted to do a weekly book haul type post and when I came across this it was the perfect fit :)
With Christmas being recent I have a lot of new additions to my shelf! My husband knows just what to get me! A Barnes and Noble gift card so I can get all the books I've been dying for! He usually stays clear of buying me actual books since he doesn't know exactly what I have read yet, already own etc. I already have 300+ books. It is my dream one day to own my own library though! Ok enough chit chat here are my new lovely books I can't wait to escape into!



Have you read any of these? If so what did you think?

What new books have you bought, borrowed, or been gifted lately?

Comment below! & If you have your own #StackingtheShelves post link it up below!

Amanda Margaret


  1. Great Haul! The Discovery of Witches is a great trilogy, I enjoyed it as I did The Lux series.

    1. I've read the Lux series actually. It's one of my favs but I only had it on my Kindle and now I have the physical copies for my Library! I have heard great things about The Discovery of Witches trilogy, and the covers are just stunning. I can't wait to read those!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I loved Legend but I still haven't continued on with the series! I also really want to continue on with the Lux series. Happy reading!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I loved the Lux series. It's one of my favorites! I actually own them on my Kindle and couldn't pass up the chance to own them in physical form for my library!
      I have heard great things about Legend and have been looking for a good Dystopian read since Divergent and Hunger Games so I am hoping it lives up to my expectations!
      Thanks for stopping by!!!


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