My 2017 Reading Challenges!

With my new book blog I have decided to finally participate in some reading challenges online! I've always followed them a bit here and there and they seem fun so why not! It is my first year so I don't want to go too crazy but it's kind of exciting so I will be going a little crazy :) Hopefully it's not to over whelming! Anyway I will be partaking in a total of 4 challenges. I believe all of them can have books used for more than just that challenge though so I could use one book for multiple challenges. I am really excited to start this and track my progress here as I go and hopefully this will be a fun way to keep my blog active!

The first challenge I will be joining is the Flights of Fantasy Challenge hosted by Alexa Loves Books and Hello, Chelly. The point of this challenge is to read as many books as you can in the genre of Fantasy. This has always been a personal favorite genre of mine in books and so I think this challenge shouldn't be too tough. The more I can read the merrier!
Goal: 25 books

The second challenge I will be joining is the Beat The Backlist Challenge hosted by NovelKnight. The point of this challenge is to help read through all those older books on your TBR list published before 2017. I have so many books that have been backlisted that I figured this challenge could really help with that.
Goal: 10 books

The third challenge I will be joining is the Retellings Challenge hosted by Once Upon a Bookcase. This challenge is for stories we love and know well. All those old time fairytales, etc. Like Fantasy these are some of my favorite types of books. I wanted to join this challenge the moment I discovered it! There is levels for this challenge instead of setting your own goals. I don't want to stack too much on myself so I will be taking this kind of light.
Level: medium (5-8 books)

Finally the fourth challenge I will be joining is the Monthly Motif Challenge hosted by Girlxoxo. With this challenge there is a monthly theme/motif and your task is to read a book that falls with that theme/motif. You can find the monthly themes/motifs here.
Goal: 12 books

I am excited to start these challenges and I will be doing monthly update posts soo be sure to look for that! You can also find a main challenge page above on my navigation which will show my goals for each challenge, the books I've read or plan to read for each challenge as well as a combined list of all my monthly update posts once they are up! Fingers crossed 2017 is a great year for me in reading!

Amanda Margaret


  1. Thanks for signing up to the Retellings Reading Challenge 2017, Amanda - and welcome to the book blogging community! I see you're reading Cinder at the moment - as it's a retelling of Cinderella, it will count towards the Retellings Reading Challenge as well as the other challenges you're reading it for! ;)

    Good luck with all your challenges, and happy reading! :)

    1. Oh wow I didn't even think of that! Silly me, lol. Thanks for the heads up! I am excited to be apart of the book blogging community and to partake in the retelling challenge! Thank you for the welcome and happy readings to you as well!


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